Remembrance Day Ringing


The Surrey Association supports the official national 'Ringing Remembers' campaign endorsed by the CCCBR and sponsored by HM Government.


“Ringing Remembers” is encouraging muffled/half-muffled ringing for the 11am Act of Remembrance followed by open ringing at 12:30pm on Sunday 11th November – aligning with the published agenda for processions and marches in celebration of peace. Nevertheless, knowing the national mood to acknowledge this centenary, CCCBR encourages all ringers to respond as they see fit, taking into account the wide variety of local circumstances. Ringing open at or around 12:30pm is the ideal and recommended option, but any time that afternoon / evening is also supported.


New Ringers


If you learnt to ring this year as part of the Ringing Remembers campaign to recruit 1,400 new ringers please don't forget to register and get your commemorative badge!




Bell Towers will be able to receive special certificates for ringing at 12.30pm on November 11 to recognise their contribution to the UK Government’s national WW1 centenary commemorations.   More information will be provided soon.


Please link your remembrance day ringing to the official Bellboard event:



In Memory


Surrey Association ringers lost in the first world war are remembered in our roll of honour (below).


David Underdown's remarkable blog 'Half Muffled' tells the stories of these men.

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