Learn to Ring

Recruiting Now


Come and join us and to help ring our church bells. Most people have the ability to become a good ringer. Great physical strength is not required and people of all ages from 12 upwards are welcome.

Perhaps you used to ring and would consider taking it up again? If you think you might be a little rusty, don't worry! You'll be surprised at just how quickly and easily you can pick up ringing again. 

To find out where you can learn, go to our tower directory and find a bell tower near to you.  Details of practice times and the tower correspondent will be shown. Alternatively, send us an email.

What to Expect


You probably already know that church bell ringing is a traditional art and an important part of our national heritage.  You'll also discover it's a fun, healthy and sociable activity.  Bell ringers exercise their bodies, stimulate their minds and make new friends. 

You will be joining a community of people from all walks of life throughout the UK and across the world. There are many opportunities to visit other towers, join in social activities and ring for special events and competitions.

You will need to commit to a period of intensive one to one tuition to master the basic skills of bell handling before you can start to ring with others.  It normally takes 1 or 2 hours practice a week for a period of six weeks or more to become competent at ringing a bell on your own.

You don't need to be a christian or regularly attend church to be a bell ringer but you will be expected to support the church by regularly ringing the bells for Sunday services, festivals and celebrations. 

Interested in learning to ring but not sure where to start?  Contact your local church, see our tower directory or email master@surreybellringers.org.uk

The Surrey Association supports ART, the Association of Ringing Teachers.  ART provides a national accreditation scheme and maintains a directory of qualified teachers.  It also works to support and motivate learners with the learning the ropes scheme.  

Watch, listen and learn........discover more about bell ringing with our playlist of videos from Youtube.