Calling Challenge

Our District Masters Pam Donovan (Northern District) and Wendy Watts (Southern District) invite you to take part in The District Masters’ Autumn Calling Challenge 2024 and win Challenge Points for yourself, your home tower and your District!


What’s the challenge?


We challenge ALL Association ringers and their friends to call something they have never called before.


Some possible examples include:


• Calling “stand” at the end of rounds

• Calling a call-change sequence

• Calling a call-change sequence from a working bell, rather than calling from a fixed bell (or vice versa)

• Calling a new call-change sequence you haven’t called before

• Composing and calling your own call-change sequence

• Calling “go, that’s all, and stand” to plain hunt

• Calling “go, that’s all, and stand” to plain hunt from a different bell

• Calling “go, that’s all, and stand” to continuous dodging or another Kaleidoscope exercise.

• Calling “go, that’s all and stand” to a plain course of a method

• Calling a touch of a method

• Calling a plain course or touch from a bell you haven’t called from before

• Calling a different touch you haven’t called before

• Splicing two (or more!) methods together

• Calling a quarter peal

• Calling a peal (go on, we dare you)


If you haven’t done it before, it can be part of your Autumn Calling Challenge!


Here’s how it works


• The Challenge will start on 1st October and run until 15th December. Only calling completed during this period will be eligible for Challenge Points.


• Anyone who regularly rings in a tower with Surrey Association connections is welcome to take part. You do not need to be a member of the Association.


• The Challenge calling must be on tower bells.


• You can call at any tower. This might be your home tower or any other tower you’re visiting. The tower does not have to be in Surrey.


• You can call at a practice, service ringing, an outing, a wedding or any other opportunity you get.


• To win Challenge points you must call the right calls at the right time and all the band must be able to hear the calls clearly. You can practise calling as often as you need to get to this standard, but you will only be eligible for points when you achieve it. The band who rang with you must agree that you have met the standard and the decision of the band is final!


• Every Association member who takes part in the Challenge will earn 30 Personal Challenge points for themself, 10 points for their District and 20 points for their Tower if their Surrey Association membership is linked to a tower. Association members who are not affiliated to a tower will earn Personal points and District points and can (if they wish) donate their tower points to a tower of their choice. If you are not a Surrey Association member you can earn Personal points for yourself but in order to earn Tower points the relevant tower captain must contact the Northern or Southern District Master to put in a claim. No ringer may earn Tower points for more than one tower.


• If you call a second new piece of ringing during the Challenge you will earn an additional 5 Personal points.


• You can call as many new things as you like, earning 5 Personal points for each one. There is no limit to the number of Personal points you can earn.


• To claim your points you (or your tower captain) must email the Northern District Master at ( giving your name, your District, your tower, a brief description of what you called and the date you called it. You can send this information at any time during the Challenge. You don’t have to save it up and send it all at once.


• Claims for points must be received by 5pm on 16th December 2024. Late claims will not be counted.


The results

The ringer with the largest number of Personal points will be declared the winning ringer. In the event of a tie, the ringers involved will be joint winners.


The Tower points and Personal points for each ringer affiliated to a tower will be added together to give that tower’s total. The tower with the highest total will be declared the winning tower.


District points, Tower points and Personal points for each ringer affiliated to a District will be added together to give that District’s total. The District with the highest total will be declared the winning District.


Summaries of the results of the Challenge may be published in the Association newsletter, on the Association website, on social media platforms and elsewhere but we will respect the privacy of individuals and NOT publish the names of any ringers who took part without theirpermission. There is nothing to stop you publishing your own personal results if you want to do this.


That’s it. Start planning what to call NOW and get ready to join in the fun on 1st October!

Download a copy of the challenge information
District Masters Autumn Calling Challeng
Adobe Acrobat Document 90.8 KB