Members Area

How to join and get involved


Membership is open to all local bell ringers who support our objectives, value the benefits of fellowship and ring regularly for Sunday service at a tower in the county.


Details of subscriptions and how to join are here.


About us


The association was formed in 1880.  Find out more about our history, how we are organised and what we do here.




District and general practices are held at local towers on a regular basis and there are also occasional social events and outings arranged.  See our calendar for upcoming events.




Our newsletter is published every quarter you can also read it online.


Email groups


Email is a popular way for ringers to keep in touch and we have district email groups which are open for members to share information.  You can subscribe to these very easily in our membership system.


Social media


The association publishes news on it's twitter account @surreybells.  You can also find us on facebook: surreybellringers


And finally....  Have you joined the Numbers Club?  If not, you are missing out on a monthly draw for money prizes and the chance to help raise money for the BRF.  See the Numbers Club page for more information.