Events through the year
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Here are the main events of the Surrey Association, with a brief description of each one.
Annual District Meeting. The Northern District one is on the third Saturday. The District Committee is elected to serve for a year.
Peal Weekend. A recent introduction compared to the Association's overall history but an excuse for everyone to try and ring a peal - on the nearest weekend to the anniversary of the Association's first peal - 18 February 1881, Grandsire Triples at Kingston.
Annual District Meeting. The Southern District hold their Annual meeting on the fourth Saturday to allow more time to prepare; otherwise, same as the Northern one.
Training Day. There are two training days during the year, this one at Wimbledon. Everyone is very welcome to come to both. The most popular methods are available to learn and ring.
Quiz Evening. Held in Banstead on the Wednesday of Holy Week, teams from many towers enter and a series of general knowledge questions are fired at them. Much fun is had by everyone.
Annual General Meeting. The main meeting of the whole Association - held on the second Saturday of the month. The venue alternates between the Districts and is very similar to the District ones except all relates to General reports and elections of General Officers.
Quarter Peal Week. This celebrates the founding of the Surrey Association on 17 May 1880. Aimed to get as many people ringing quarters in as many towers as possible. A lot of first quarters take place.
The Northern District have their Half Yearly Meeting on the third Saturday
London 12 Bell practice. The Northern and Southern Districts hold a joint practice at a different tower in the early evening. Everyone welcome.
Kingston Practice. For many years the Northern District has held a joint practice with our neighbours the Guildford Diocesan Guild at Kingston on the first Saturday evening.
Southern District Outing. An outing to a different county to ring at a few towers and see a different part of the country.
Eight Bell Striking Competition. The Association's premier striking competition for all towers.
Training Day. Based at Bletchingley, the details are as for the one in March.
Nomination Meeting. The Northern District version of the Southern District's Autumn Business Meeting - held on the third Saturday.
Autumn Business Meeting and Friendly Striking Challenge Final. The third and final business meeting for the Southern District. Nominations for posts are put forward for the Annual District Meeting in February. Held on the fourth Saturday.
Midweek Winter Outing. Held in between Christmas and New Year especially for those that take a long break at this time of year.
Throughout the year.
There are many training events and striking competitions to which every tower is invited to enter. Districts also hold advanced and beginners' practices. There also specialist practices run by members to which others are invited.
There are also several monthly, weekday practices that are run by members but all are invited along to join in (see the regular practices page).
Please look at the Calendar page of this website for more details. They are also publicised in the Association Newsletter.